Dr. Eyüp Vural AYDIN
Distinguished Attendees of 9th Istanbul PPP Week
We are proud to invite you to the 9th Istanbul PPP Week organized with the support of our national and international partners. On behalf of Istanbul Public-Private Partnership Center of Excellence (Istanbul PPPCoE), I would like to thank you for your participation in the 9th Istanbul PPP Week, organized by Istanbul PPPCoE and Turkish Foreign Economic Relations Board (DEİK) under the umbrella of the Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Trade with the supports of MDBs. We believe that Istanbul PPP Week brings a rewarding experience and allows the participants from all over the world to gather and discuss best PPP practices and challenges.
9th Istanbul PPP Week, to be held under the theme of “PPP: More with Less” will consist of training programs that are proffered by leading PPP academicians, simulation of real showcase studies including PPP experiences of 50 countries, interactive workshops regarding PPP project management, site visits to completed PPP projects of Türkiye, Türkiye’s mega PPP projects EXPO’s, and PPP project pipeline & lodgment program presentations of invited countries. Along with Türkiye’s PPP projects’ EXPO, the current and future status of PPP Model will be discussed under subjects of UN Social Development Goals, sustainability, innovative financing methods, climate resilience, disaster risk management, women in infrastructure, future proof cities and globally accepted implementation examples.
Crucial topics in PPP area such as tools of attracting potential investors to infrastructure, developing a better PPP framework for better service delivery, achieving general standards for mega PPP projects, fundamentals of sustainable infrastructure investments, defining the roles of partners, conflict managements, and sustainable developments goals (SDGs) will be in our center of discussion. In addition to these, participants will obtain the chance of meeting with private sector companies experienced in infrastructure investment.
We believe that our diverse and dynamic group of speakers/panelists will provide the best insights on improving PPP, and all the lecturers are going to make outstanding efforts to share their expertise with all the participants and add value to the PPP eco-system.
This PPP event wouldn’t have been so successful without your presence. Looking forward to welcoming you in Istanbul once again.
Dr. Eyüp Vural AYDIN
Chairman, İstanbul PPPCoE
Chairman, DEİK PPP Committee
Istanbul Public Private Partnership Center of Excellence (Istanbul PPCoE) founded in 2016, is an Istanbul/Turkey located non- governmental organization that mainly offers Public Private Partnership (PPP) consultancy services for infrastructure projects .
Istanbul PPPCoE interoperates with governments, corporations, multilateral entities, companies and financial institutions, therefore provides technical and strategic assistance for local/global public and private organizations.
Along with PPP consultancy services, organization delivers to its customers with PPP trainings for capacity building, business delegation events in the field of PPP for local and international organizations.
Istanbul PPP Week which is a globally branded PPP training event organized since 2015 and sharing platform/environment of experience last almost one week, covers intensive training sessions, interactive academic events, networking meetings, case studies based on mega PPP projects, country perspectives and role of private and public parties. Istanbul PPP Summit which is organized as a one day program within the scope of Istanbul PPP Week, creates a contribution environment with valuable participation of PPP academicians/experts, senior management representatives of private sector, decision makers of public entities all around the world, MDBs, and key actors in PPP.
The primary goal of the Istanbul PPP Week is to bring the actors and experts of Public-Private Partnership field from all over the world in an open dialogue on a single platform to discuss PPP together, share good practices, evaluate current conditions, start collaboration and partnerships, enhance connections. It is a real pleasure for us to witness the level that the program reaches every year.